Movement To Contact's listening history

Sister Savage's avatar
With 6LA8, from their brilliant album "Follow the fanatic" at
Sister Savage's avatar
With huge thanks to the awesomeinfinity Jake, Wrinkled Shirt, who let me use his gorgeous instrumental track "Gaza". The sun left the city, from the ground Moonlight woke up, falling down Why are you scared, free as a bird Now that the heat…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Campfire jam with Keith, Kavin and Norm
Norm's avatar
Music: Vaisvil Vocals/Lyrics: TheTwoRegs Percussion: Norm DEMOCRACY If I could ask for some calm please! Can everybody just settle down calm down please? You must vote to separate the wheat from the chaff. The wheat from the…
jip's avatar
Whiling away a few of hours with this ditti. Can't say who this was about, but no-one on this site knows her.
Norm's avatar
Music: Vaisvil Vocals/Lyrics: TheTwoRegs Percussion: Norm DEMOCRACY If I could ask for some calm please! Can everybody just settle down calm down please? You must vote to separate the wheat from the chaff. The wheat from the…
Jason Earls's avatar
From the movie "Excalibur," Merlin's Charm of Making: Anál nathrach, orth bháis bethad, do chél dénmha. English: Serpent's breath, charm of death and life, thy omen of making.
Jason Earls's avatar
Noodling in the lydian mode.
Jason Earls's avatar
Sundown ya better take care If I find you been creepin' 'round my back stairs
Jason Earls's avatar
didn't mean to take up all your sweet time