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Sugar (demo)

Sister Savage

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With music written and performed by Aged Machine for the RPM Challenge, 2013.

Demo version.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great beat and as usual top vocals

Guest said

Could be Sade track, moody and magnificent.

slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Bestest Bass line ever the rest is just plain magic . No sorcery, breath this in and fly

johnbsteele's avatar
johnbsteele said

I very much like what you do with your recordings ! Would love to hear your Vox on one of my tunes ;-)

runa's avatar
runa said


johnbsteele's avatar
johnbsteele said

Well . . you have a 'new' fan ! I really dig your vibe.

The Proods's avatar
The Proods said


Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

There doesn't seem to be a comment from me on this wonderful track... *fixed*

Under Wildlife's avatar
Under Wildlife said

I love the bass on this track.

Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

sweet bass line and groove, superb vocals and melodies, nice mix, enjoyed from start to finish.

Guest said

I didn't know you could write and sing like that. I was going to say she get's it from me, but she doesn't! He wasn't just good looking!

Richard Hardrick's avatar
Richard Hardrick said


Guest said

Good job with Blind Eye on the RPM Website. I was wondering if you would post it here on Alonetone?

Justin Otter Guy's avatar
Justin Otter Guy said

You might also dig what Big Time Operator [who is not me] did to my "niaR" track -- what you might call a remix, but it's actually something more -- he used the song like an instrument, playing it on a track of the mix down of his own creation:

Justin Otter Guy's avatar
Justin Otter Guy said

Gene Eric Mann (generic man) and I, Justin Otter Guy (just another guy) are the same person -- I'm also on AloneTone as Merry Bear and, with my soul-mate, as Nightmoth. Anyway, thank you for listening to and kindly commenting on so many of my G.E.M. songs. Regarding "niaR" (Rain spelled backwards), here is "another way" of listening to the same track, a way that your 8 year old might better understand and actually appreciate:

rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Oh Tess, still making lovely music. You gonna RPM this year? Hope so! x

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said


Nightmoth's avatar
Nightmoth said

That is one wicked bass line! Far out vocals. What a amazing, delicious mix down -- Rock on!

Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

well hello there. Very nice ambiance. been a while since my last SS fix :) excellent

kyjun's avatar
kyjun said

very unique! soothing as well :)

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

It's like taking a 5 minute journey. Haunting music with great bass line accompanying perfect vocal.

Merry Bear's avatar
Merry Bear said

Digging that bass line. Hauntingly sweet vocals. A great mix down and mastering of sound. Great flavor, nice colors. Rock on!

ostiaryband's avatar
ostiaryband said

Beautiful as always :)

Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

the sounds stick together in a slickness of smooth,.

JR James's avatar
JR James said

hauntingly incredible.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Wow! Impressive mix

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Lovely. Real nice stereo FX.

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

ooooo lovely

Songs From Nowhere Project's avatar
Songs From Nowhere Project said

Extremely well done, all of it. Beautiful. I plan on listening through most of your music when next I have some down time.

These Metal Days's avatar
These Metal Days said

David Sylvian comes to my mind

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Sweet as!!

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