Movement To Contact's listening history

Jason Earls's avatar
a Guitar World column by Keith Wyatt gave the main riff to "Boogie Uproar," an instrumental by Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown along with some of the licks, so i just improvised on those and didn't try to stick to the original very much.
glaka's avatar
i would like to add vox to this eventually, maybe finish a song for once.
glaka's avatar
i recorded this about a year ago, before i was really into making electronic music. i just came across it and finished the mix today.
Djörk's avatar
Recently, my wife and I discovered the TV show Portlandia, and it has become our Saturday morning ritual to watch the latest episode with our coffee. Anyways, I kind of got the theme song (…
Jeff Duke's avatar
Playing guitar while watching a storm come in on weather radar. Fernandes guitar with the sustainor pickup system. It's like an ebow for all the strings at once! Loads of fun :)
Jeff Duke's avatar
Playing guitar while watching a storm come in on weather radar. Fernandes guitar with the sustainor pickup system. It's like an ebow for all the strings at once! Loads of fun :)
Nosda Cariad's avatar
A short improvisation inspired by A Midsummer Night's Dream "If we shadows have offended, Think but this, and all is mended, That you have but slumber'd here While these visions did appear." - William Shakespeare To Eliza...
Tipu's avatar
Continuing from Showers...
kavin.'s avatar
Acoustic live looping improv, through the DL4..DADGBD tuning with a banjo capo 3rd fret under the neck.
vaisvil's avatar
guitar vocal drum