Mud Octave's listening history

Skidoo!'s avatar
I has a groove!
Gary Fox's avatar
This song is one that got left on the cutting room floor back in early 2005. It's fun to play, but the drums are almost too mechanical (they're real) for my taste. I thought I would finally let it out of the attic, even though it doesn't have…
brando's avatar
My only regret is that I couldn't get more power into this song, but no amount is enough. Desoto on bass again.
Dusthill's avatar
just mixed a new samples out of my tracks including all hot shots with one of the best featuring Yung_Champ's(looperman) Real Talk' so be sure you have a listen and don't miss this hot piece. free for download
Color's avatar
hills's avatar
angie fights crime's avatar
100 bpm, db see my face in the mirror wondering what i've become though things, couldn't be clearer i can't explain the things that i have done weird and probably crazy my sanity is an enormous doubt in my life no ghost no monsters or…
Geoffrey Armes's avatar
Music recorded 2005 then revisited (remixed?) for a dance score 2007 -- this is an excerpt from the middle section.
DrumJunky's avatar
This track is an idea that stands out among the sea of bad ideas that come out of my head. This is one idea, this isn't a clip of a whole song. Let me know what you think!
Sir Alfred IV's avatar