Nachei's listening history

Leftiness's avatar
Isn't that the lamest, most clichéd title of a piece you've ever heard? Anyway, this one was like an epiphany... I was messing with a different piece, stopped, and wrote this in like half an hour. It's only about 40 seconds, which is way shorter…
Steve Moyes's avatar
Electric guitar with live looping.
Room 34's avatar
phantasm777's avatar
an instrumental! i don't know if it is prog. + rock + space rock, or what!? but the title might sort of explain the journey of the song. and as usual, i wrote it and play everything on it.
When We Fall Victim's avatar
This song is so much fun,thats all that needs to be said
chokeslut's avatar
Drums are loud I warn you
Scenery's avatar
Recorded for RPM 2011 ( Recorded in February 2011 in Tempe, AZ.
henwrench's avatar
dressing the debutantes's avatar
gonna build me a big ol mansion on a mountain so high so i can see my baby if she goes passin' by
Anu's avatar
*Electronic rock with a strong dubstep and* **_Burial_** *influence* There's no going back to how it used to be I've known it all along But I didn't want to see Command-Z CTRL-Z There is no "undo" And like it or not, this is you…