Nachei's listening history
This song featured the biggest screwup of the concert, which was me stopping in surprise when Jess stopped to turn a page. I should have just kept it going, Jess would have got back in.
Al : Bass, Vox
Jess : Guitar
This is like a mission for the Doom Patrol
I need a robot body for my brain
Miss Callas calls
the dopamine exhanges
the sound of down
And there is danger everywhere
the scissor men are coming
House of icons
Felt like cards
The brilliant…
This song has been hobbling around half-written in my psyche for eons, and it took the RPM Challenge to finally finish it!
Like many of my generation, my first peek into the world of women (and what they looked like under their clothes) was National…
The copyright and exclusive publishing rights to this track in its entirety are owned by Resource Sound Ltd. Any copying, broadcasting or illegal downloading of this material is strictly prohibited and will be vigorously pursued through the UK…
Arrival is a song about charging into the breach. When you want something, you gotta go get it and sometimes this means going to places and seeing people who are more than willing to screw you over. So give as good as you get plus a little more…