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01 Track 1 meats

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ok this is the center portion of the the tape transfer and remix so if you like the intro and end so on this just gets more intense that it is centered and focused some.

to create your own new work play the video and music together .. each time you do if you start them each time at Different times there is a new composition created LOL

MUTATE's avatar

Very nice!!!!!!!!!

Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

this is the remixing or actually layering of a tape i made from my supernova back in 2004-august 22 :) I have created the whole tape as a reworked piece with intro meat finally with the four mix as counter point to the meat. :) all for songs use different parts of the one side of the 45 min by 45 min tape > this video is from the 6hr work that used this tape and another tape from 3-13-04 layered into the mix of the video work,, part three means it is the third of five parts in the video which uses movieplayer-ubuntu as the video workings and such... these sound works from the latest album are the remixing or actually layering of a tape i made from my supernova back in 2004-august 22 :) I have created the whole tape as a reworked piece with intro meat finally with the four mix as counter point to the meat. :) all for songs use different parts of the one side of the 45 min by 45 min tape > the two are different youtube and mp3 same tape in both ..

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

I'm watching the video. This is truly impressive and progressive art!

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

ompt manual and the software

Guest said

The part at 9:17 is where my visions are turning real...Solid piece Bill!
