Nick P's listening history

Ronnie Gibson's avatar
This is one of my older songs meaning I put this piece together around 1990? There are several versions in different keys as well as genres.
Robert Palomo's avatar
a.k.a. "The Ballad of Big Celine" What ever happened to ballads - stories told in song? The internet and TV have reduced attention spans, and long songs a la Don McLean, Harry Chapin, and Gordon Lightfoot have fallen by the wayside. If you…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Bits and Pieces
Johnny Stone's avatar
Bits and Pieces
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Wrote this song yesterday after another long week of crummy news in the world and had the good fortune of the Minnesota song writers in my living room tonight to help me bring it to life. Greg Connor - on the cigar beat box, Colin Walterson on…
thetworegs's avatar
Practicing for a gig i have coming up down the local football club in a couple of weeks supporting a local band for there Christmas do....Here.s my attempt at the Who's Magic Bus...using my new line6 pod and the voicelive for the vocal...not the…
thetworegs's avatar
I 've watching and reading the news this last week with interest and i feel they have got it wrong on the fight with IS but then i am only one voice and others have different opinions but i don't know how you can bomb to stop an it all…
Permanent Tourist's avatar
I had to perform my original composition live on 12-2-15 for my semester-end concert. It was a nerve-wracking experience for me, I've only resumed playing the violin hardcore over the last three months. I thought I made a ton of mistakes. They…
Permanent Tourist's avatar
My final project for this semester. Done!!!! We had to write a short piece for 2-5 players. I chose violin and piano. The piece also had to represent what we hope to learn and what kind composer we hope to be in four years. (I almost called…
epimeison's avatar
And here another version of another classic... Based on the original Julie London, sweet, incredible recording. I hope you like and/or enjoy this one.