Nick P's listening history
Its been raining all day so why not write a song about a drought....Thanks for listening
The Water wheel stops under the clear blue sky
The sun burns the crops and there all doomed to die
The knowing know the truth and repeat no lies
Written and recorded as part of our family RPM project this year. :-D
13 year old Jasmine on vocals and ukulele.
We wrote and recorded 10 songs under the name Cattica. It was just the best month of lockdown imaginable.
This is my first for the 2021 RPM i've decided to write about a series on Channel 4 call Bride at first sight Australia and the Seven year itch Australia Hope you enjoy Thanks for listening
You said I don’t know what you are going through…
All Clear
Words and Music by Jeff Cole ©2021
Turn the radio dial
to the fast flow retrograde.
Talk about it .
Preaching to the fray.
It's all about yesterday
All Clear La la la la la la la la
When the dominoes fall
which one…
When my kids were babies, my Dad always used to hum a little tune when he was carrying them and trying to settle them down... it's the sweetest, lilting sound, I've hummed it all my life, always thinking of my Dad when it was in my head. I've…
My mom was a lifeguard when she was young and I was swimming long before I was old enough to go to school.
I wrote this one morning but gave up tryin to sing it . then I asked my buddy Steve Schostal to do vocals . His Canadian accent was perfect for this . Notice how he leads the beat ‘wow perfect.
I love Colabs