Nick P's listening history

AMUC's avatar
You sent me light years away to have a look at a cartoon dog and a two dimensional pancake. I'm cold and sick of being motion sick.
AMUC's avatar
verse 1 the train has left the station the terminal is bare there's stirrings in the psyche ward it's something in the air that same old aggravation old dog that bit the hare a motion blur on the chessboard which pawns have played…
Nick P's avatar
From Me I don’t care what they think From DC to New York – Looking for you The sky is bright – But my heart is blue Down, down, down – Down I go 100 miles an hour on this broken road LOVE ME, KISS ME – I can’t understand what you see in…
launched's avatar
A collab with Tod Wolfe and Ken Davidsen - Awesome dudes! Tod - Drums Ken - Crunchy guitar, effects and solos Me - Vocals, plunky/strummy uke parts and bass
igor's avatar
The third part of the "Magnolia Delighted" trilogy.
igor's avatar
The second part of the "Magnolia Delighted" trilogy.
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Yeah I'm still alive folks. Retired now so got lots of time on my hands. Got 3 new songs done, 2 or 3 I'm working on. Blimey almost an LP !!!!
Movement To Contact's avatar
Getting warmed up.... Still need to work this one a bit but it's time to get the creative juices going...
FDR's avatar
Walking home from the pub late at night or early in the morning down the canal bank in the dark can sometimes be a little spooky......WOoooOOoooOOOoo!
Jason Earls's avatar
"Kiwa Hirsuta was discovered in March 2005 [...] along the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge [...] south of Easter Island at a depth of 2,200 meters (7,200 ft), living on hydrothermal vents." -Wikipedia