"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
the recording on this one is exceptionally good. I think you may have perfected the perc mic up over this last year. is there a hint of reverb?
Nice one, really warm malaria-like sound
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
@ Kirk& Kamachi: excellent observation, and you are correct. As most of my patterns are built around clave, and as clave is structured upon so many off-beats, to get my metronome to "click" on some key clave beats, I set my metronome at double time- so my bpm notation reflects what my metronome setting was dialed to. Here is a clave link that graphically shows how many times clave percussion scores are transcribed in 2/2 (cut time) to make it easier to read... but if one is counting 8th notes instead of quarter notes, the bpm will be doubled.
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
@ Richard: many thanks- recording accoustical percussion is sometimes tricky and I'm still learning the skill sets required for that. I mount my own skins from bulk rawhide (so not actually tanned) but I don't actually make the rawhide from animal skins... that's a lot of work on a non-industrial level and there are some health concerns when it comes to working with (especially imported) fresh animal skins. Many of the (nonterrorist) cases of anthrax reported involve folks making their own drum heads, so I just use commercially cured cow skin from the USA for the latin drums and buy pre-made drum heads for the African drums, which are usually water buffalo, goat or some sort of deer.
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
the sound quality is great,,, i can almost see/feel the bending/vibrating of the skin,, do you make,, tan etc your own skins?,,, this has a wonderful warm quality,, great piece
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
@ Dave: thanks for listening! This recording is 8 tracks, consisting of 2 (stereo) bass drum, cowbell, clave, chinese blocks, and 3 tracks of various sized conga drums playing their parts. Traditionally it is performed by a group of percussionists, which I would *love* to assemble- but that rarely is possible for me to do where I live.
Perhaps I should move to Africa.
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
Thanks Norm, I posted the lyrics. Now then on to this great groove, Yeah baby thats really moving isn't it. Is this one track or a few tracks overdubbed together? I am moving every part of my body to this groove.
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
"Afoxe" is a rhythm played by carnival groups from Bahia in Northeastern Brazil. It is named after an instrument that is traditionally used to play this pattern: an afoxe is a beaded gourd; aka "shekere". In this rendition, I replaced the shaker…
A 3 track improvisation on 7 congas roughly tuned by ear to a chromatic scale.
I walked a mile with Pleasure;
She chatted all the way;
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.
I walked a mile with Sorrow,
And ne…
A 3 track improvisation on 7 congas roughly tuned by ear to a chromatic scale.
I walked a mile with Pleasure;
She chatted all the way;
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.
I walked a mile with Sorrow,
And ne…
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
"Afoxe" is a rhythm played by carnival groups from Bahia in Northeastern Brazil. It is named after an instrument that is traditionally used to play this pattern: an afoxe is a beaded gourd; aka "shekere". In this rendition, I replaced the shaker…
"Afoxe" is a rhythm played by carnival groups from Bahia in Northeastern Brazil. It is named after an instrument that is traditionally used to play this pattern: an afoxe is a beaded gourd; aka "shekere". In this rendition, I replaced the shaker…
Reg was out for a stroll in town and met Jed who was homeless sitting on the pavement with his hat out in front of him. Reg stopped to have a chat with him to see if he could help. Reg expected him to have a sad story but to his surprise he hadn…
Lyrics by Brian McCloskey in somewhat of a suprise collab. Musically a kind of feel-good soul-pop. I quite like how this turned out, and nominated it my prefered RPM-track this year.
New version uploaded 12 Dec 2010.
Blue Bird Sax what can I say. A fantastic off the cuff blues jam recorded Mother's Day weekend 2011. Please let us know your thoughts.
BC-Bass, Mondo-Drums, Danny-Sax, Hojo-Sound
The Band..........
Reg was talking to Elvis last night and Elvis came out with something so simple and profound "you can't hide from the man inside" and this got Reg thinking....................
Another one from the collaboration of Chris Vaisvil, Norm and thetworegs from the album Women and Whisky together ain't no good. We hope you enjoy......................
Reg created the lyrics, vocal melody, and sang
Norm composed and played…
Yes, it is obvious the choir is composed of mildly skilled amateurs, but I like this song very much.
And the first thing I'll do when I get a editing tool is cut off the applause at the end, too lengthy because it was an encore.
This is a video piece made for the ImprovFriday drone theme event which used my DIY 9 string canon, DIY electrified 8 string psaltery, viola bow, ebow, and fingers. The tuning in unknown – just something I did by ear.
Pictures, streamable video…
There's a lot going on here, in the middle section I used what's known as a Shepard Risset Tone. This is a sound that appears to constantly rise in pitch. If you were to loop the sound, it would never stop rising! I don't understand the match…
Comments on Norm's stuff
the recording on this one is exceptionally good. I think you may have perfected the perc mic up over this last year. is there a hint of reverb? Nice one, really warm malaria-like sound
@ Kirk& Kamachi: excellent observation, and you are correct. As most of my patterns are built around clave, and as clave is structured upon so many off-beats, to get my metronome to "click" on some key clave beats, I set my metronome at double time- so my bpm notation reflects what my metronome setting was dialed to. Here is a clave link that graphically shows how many times clave percussion scores are transcribed in 2/2 (cut time) to make it easier to read... but if one is counting 8th notes instead of quarter notes, the bpm will be doubled. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clave_(rhythm)?wasRedirected=true
Excellent playing. But +1 here for the 110 BPM perception :-)
Excellent! I find it interesting that in almost every one of these that you list the BPM I feel them in half time, so I would think of this as 110 BPM
glad to be back. good stuff here.
@ Richard: many thanks- recording accoustical percussion is sometimes tricky and I'm still learning the skill sets required for that. I mount my own skins from bulk rawhide (so not actually tanned) but I don't actually make the rawhide from animal skins... that's a lot of work on a non-industrial level and there are some health concerns when it comes to working with (especially imported) fresh animal skins. Many of the (nonterrorist) cases of anthrax reported involve folks making their own drum heads, so I just use commercially cured cow skin from the USA for the latin drums and buy pre-made drum heads for the African drums, which are usually water buffalo, goat or some sort of deer.
the sound quality is great,,, i can almost see/feel the bending/vibrating of the skin,, do you make,, tan etc your own skins?,,, this has a wonderful warm quality,, great piece
I heard the style somewhere but you perfected it. Thanks for uploading.
Phenomenal - almost, pheromonal!!
i played this in college. fun.
@ Dave: thanks for listening! This recording is 8 tracks, consisting of 2 (stereo) bass drum, cowbell, clave, chinese blocks, and 3 tracks of various sized conga drums playing their parts. Traditionally it is performed by a group of percussionists, which I would *love* to assemble- but that rarely is possible for me to do where I live. Perhaps I should move to Africa.
Thanks Norm, I posted the lyrics. Now then on to this great groove, Yeah baby thats really moving isn't it. Is this one track or a few tracks overdubbed together? I am moving every part of my body to this groove.
Absolutely brilliant.
Great brilliant top job mate.
@ Jarvis: Ha! I'm vocally challenged, but to hear the lyrics, go here: http://alonetone.com/vaisvil/tracks/walk-with-sorrow-norm-rick-chris-emily
Cool job ...but hey lyrics and no vox ?
Yet another good one. I love how you always post the style and a bit of history with each track. It always helps me understand the song better.
excellent! I like the way the congas answer each other.
Great stuff Norm! I must make some time to jam with some of your tracks
Comments made by Norm
Good lesson here... nice to meet a non-addicted vagabond to refresh one's perspective.
"It's not like I don't have anything else to do". Ha! Yeah, I also need to leave a long rambling hate message on your answering machine. Brilliant!
The sax rules!
Ha! Loads of fun. Great glitch!
*Wait* - women and whisky ain't no good??
Rocks nicely!
Whoa! This is awesome! Am I truely the only person to have enjoyed this since it was posted a month ago??
Almost sounds like a bit of Paulstretch going on there in parts.
Amen again!
Whoa! This *rocks*! I love the backing percussion work on this one.
Nice tempo change-up.
Cool Shepard Risset Tone. A classic aural illusion! Nice song!