obbster's listening history
Main Title track for A Soundtrack To An Imaginary Movie...
A very special love song.
Featuring Ewan Crossan on guitar.
One touch
Can make you do anything
Your light shows me everything
Please know i'll carry you everywhere
I go, my plaything
And i knew i'd have you
moment my eyes…
Publicado Bajo Autorizacion y sin animo de lucro. www.carranga.org
So I was sitting on some wanker's loungesuite watching Across The Universe in a big orange woolly jumper and it came to me! What do i want to say to you? " ??? You're Very Pretty". It just stemmed from that line, but instead of revealing your…
NOT FINISHED. another doo-doo draft. just putting it up here so that i kick myself in the pants to flesh it out and write verses and whatnot and redo everything. great!
NOT FINISHED. another draft. just putting it up here so that i kick myself in the pants to flesh it out and write verses and whatnot and redo everything. great!
NOT FINISHED. another draft. just putting it up here so that i kick myself in the pants to flesh it out and write verses and whatnot and redo everything. great!