One To Thousands (Jerry Gammell)
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My first original piece in 8-Bit style.
Relatively short, and meant to be on/off Spacy.
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The chorus of this groove is in 5/4 and the verse in 9/4. You can hear me fall apart at the very end… guess I got worried.
*Try not to get worried*
*I am with you always*
*Try not to get worried*
*And don’t forget*
Found this little chappie while I was preparing my latest original for loading.
It was a quick demo recorded on my Boss Micro BR sometime in October or so last year (2011) while I was working on Shine.
It was a sort of "blow the cobwebs out…
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
My first original piece in 8-Bit style.
Relatively short, and meant to be on/off Spacy.
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My first original piece in 8-Bit style.
Relatively short, and meant to be on/off Spacy.
A composer-in-training, hoping to be part of a band, but in the meantime, I mess around with a bunch of different genres.
from United States
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1 track