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Fight Or Flight


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Fight or Flight
C Maiorano

Juxtaposed in an antichrist pose
Quite morose and overexposed
A healthy dose lightens the load
Opens closed so it don’t explode

Hypnotized when I open my eyes
Tryin’ to hide in a thin disguise
Changed your mind to downsize
Big surprise, there’s no compromise

Its fight or flight for all of my life
Their words bite like a serrated knife

Who’s the one you run from??
That leaves you deaf and dumb
Like some zombie street bum
How come your heart isn’t numb?

In the end are we still friends??
Make amends but let’s not pretend
Break don’t bend is what we intend
Hearts on mend, can we transcend??

C Maiorano - vocals, drums, bass
J Young - synths
TB - guitars

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