Phaedrus's listening history

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is an RPM collaboration with Bethan. It's part of her 2014 challenge. It was the most fun I had this RPM. Thanks a bunch Bethan. Enjoy! © 2014 Mathis - Lennon
fallingupart's avatar
A piece in the style of Brian Eno's ambient recordings.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
RPM 2014
Phaedrus's avatar
Trilogy of song called The Chocolate Song.
Geir's avatar
igor's avatar
What a treasure these marbles! Colorful, transparent, with or without stripes... Let's play? --- For Bee. Also: Hark, hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings, And Phoebus 'gins arise, His steeds to water at those springs On chaliced…
fallingupart's avatar
The next version of my Philip Glass tribute (with an obvious detour into non-Glassian space). There are some glaring mixing errors in this as well as some performance issues, but I just wanted to put it out there before too much time had passed…
Les's avatar
Bit of a new piece for placement.
thetworegs's avatar
Here's the final track for my rpm album....Reg realizes he has to love the life he leads because there's only one bite of the apple and there's no second chances........ You Gotta love the life you need MY LIFE IS FULL OF REGRET AND OH SO FULL…
Phaedrus's avatar
Tongue in cheek tribute to glam rock