Planet Ground and the Cloud of Unknowing

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When a friend is diagnosed with cancer, or any life threatening illness, we want to say something. But what do we say? This is a meditation on transience and emptiness, two central zen buddhist teachings.
Planet Ground and the Cloud of Unknowing's avatar
Title track from our first album.

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sacreduproar888's avatar
A love song for you. The song is the musical rendition of a piece from my book, "PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings," which can be found here: Credits…
sacreduproar888's avatar
Could it possibly be true that life always gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it? The song is part of the soundtrack from my book, "PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with…
Reefwalker's avatar
Recording some match lighting samples recently and felt compelled to put some music to it. I put the mic up to some raw acoustic guitar. Bass and lead added with FX. Norm added percussion, making it sound waaaay better. Contributors: lyrics…
Planet Ground and the Cloud of Unknowing's avatar
Is everything fine?
Planet Ground and the Cloud of Unknowing's avatar
When a friend is diagnosed with cancer, or any life threatening illness, we want to say something. But what do we say? This is a meditation on transience and emptiness, two central zen buddhist teachings.

Latest Comments

Planet Ground and the Cloud of Unknowing's avatar
Is everything fine?
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said


Planet Ground and the Cloud of Unknowing's avatar
Is everything fine?
Guest said

Love it.

Planet Ground and the Cloud of Unknowing's avatar
Is everything fine?
Guest said

superb playing and singing. Love the lyrics too.

Planet Ground and the Cloud of Unknowing's avatar
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AMUC's avatar
AMUC said

I love the wordplay here. "A part" vs "Apart"..

Planet Ground and the Cloud of Unknowing's avatar
Is everything fine?
SonicLuke's avatar
SonicLuke said

Man I sure do love this song.

Planet Ground and the Cloud of Unknowing's avatar

Singer Songwriter duo with a penchant for experimental jams.

from earth, United States

Who Planet Ground and the Cloud of Unknowing follows

sacreduproar888's avatar

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4 tracks