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Ave Maria

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This is from the Gospel of Luke.

Ave, Maria

Ave, Maria
Ave, Maria
Ave, Maria

From heaven flew Gabriel, angel of God
You were in awe and afraid
Hail, full of grace, he said, you have found favor
To you shall be born the Savior

You will bear and son and you will call His name Jesus
And He will be great and shall be called the Son Of The Most High
And He will reign forever o’er the House of Jacob
And of His kingdom, there will be no end

Ave. Maria

How can this be you said, I have no husband
And Gabriel answered you
The Holy Spirit will come upon you
The child to be born will be holy

And He shall be called the Son Of God
And behold, Elizabeth who was barren is now with child
For with God, nothing will be impossible
And you said, Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord
Let it be with me according to you word

Ave. Maria

© 2005 Paul Lisney 12/8/05 to 12/24/05
