Potato Surplus
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This started as a conversation with Lady Jane, and it developed from there. FDR played lead. I'm now going to dispose of my senses...again.
A song about, well, s**t happens, but all in all, it's alright. Thanks to TwoRegs (singing), Freight Drive Reprobate (singing and harmonica)and Lady Jane (Singing in posh mode). Hope you like.
For UK people who liked the Testcard in the 70's. Youtube vid attached. Started as a project, sent to Lady Jane who did her magic. Ummed and Arrred about it, and eventually thought "just upload". Enjoy.
A quickly improvised tune with some stream-of-consciousness lyrics. Written/recorded hastily in the dead of night on Tuesday 11/27 with a short overdub session on Thursday 11/29, when I should have been sleeping.
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Well now - this is a collaboration between myself and lady Jane. It's an odd tale about a prince and a water maiden, with a twist in the "tail".
Sounds quite 70's prog rock - hear it out for the twist.
"In a land far away, lived a prince…
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We’re just 3 dudes who get together and jam on a Friday night. Nearly all of our tracks are improv/made up on the spot.
from Central Coast, Australia
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30 tracks