The Proods's listening history
some fun with drop C tuning
Nothing New Under the Sun ©2016 words and music by Jeff Cole
They say here’s nothing new under the sun
What there’s nothing like
Has already begun
They say there’s nothing new under the sun
You get those dirty…
Once in a nightmare
I knew you then
I think we were related,
I'm not sure
maybe we were strangers.
We'd look in windows and climb
the trees that grew,
and if it'd rained outside
we'd take off our shoes.
And when I'd see you
I would…
An original song I made a while ago, but never found the time to actually record it. I had to make do though, because my little recorder started to play up, so I was struggling getting the tracks recorded, then it suddenly packed up and I had…
a WAV format version of the album is available on soundcloud