The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's listening history

JESMIAUS 's avatar
oh yeah
thetworegs's avatar
The mans back home but he feels unsafe .....he felt safer in the war zone ...........he's a broken man.........what he's seen and done has destroyed him....... WHIRLPOOL (Lyrics by Reg) He’s coming down falling through the clouds back to his…
thetworegs's avatar
The mans back home but he feels unsafe .....he felt safer in the war zone ...........he's a broken man.........what he's seen and done has destroyed him....... WHIRLPOOL (Lyrics by Reg) He’s coming down falling through the clouds back to his…
JESMIAUS 's avatar
another possibility for rpm2012
This is like a mission for the Doom Patrol I need a robot body for my brain Miss Callas calls the dopamine exhanges the sound of down And there is danger everywhere the scissor men are coming House of icons Felt like cards The brilliant…
Brett Warren's avatar
another car/sex metaphor song
JESMIAUS 's avatar
another possibility for rpm2012
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
Act 2 Scene 2 - The Gig - Fool and his friend Hotdog go to see The Seven Spiders in concert but there is a really heavy atmosphere and the bouncers are being aggresive ... they leave before the end and walk home together, the conversation turns…
kirklynch's avatar
Another cut from the 1988 cassette tape of a live performance by Scartaglen on the NPR show Mountain stage. This time some tunes from County Kerry. Kirk Lynch- Uilleann pipes and whistle. Becky Pringle- Fiddle. Mike Dugger- Fiddle and guitar…
kirklynch's avatar
Another cut from the 1988 cassette tape of a live performance by Scartaglen on the NPR show Mountain stage. This time some tunes from County Kerry. Kirk Lynch- Uilleann pipes and whistle. Becky Pringle- Fiddle. Mike Dugger- Fiddle and guitar…