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Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 28 becomes finished song number 46. This one is okay. The chromatic thing almost works. It feels maybe a little forced. I don't know why I didn't come up with any vocal harmonies. It really feels empty…
dco's avatar
One of a dozen or more versions of this basic idea with which I've experimented during the last several days. PRS 408 guitar straight into the Line 6 DL4 mkii (with the latest firmware update). A touch of Jellyfish plectrum in there, too…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 47 becomes finished song number 47. Can you make a 7/8 groove swing? I didn't think so. Rhythm guitars are my SG Standard into an MXR Phase 95 into a Klon KTR into a Keeley Super Phat Mod into both…
dameepromotions's avatar
Sister Ifeoma Onuh is a Gospel artist based in Nigeria. She drops this new song tilted Oke Nduru, a worship song with a deep sound and lyrics that praises God. The song is about the power and supernatural essence of the Holy Spirit.
thetworegs's avatar
I was having a strum and this came out .... We shy away It feels unreal now Knowing the darkness of this room doesn’t lie Whispered quietly The truth becomes something to despise We shy away from what we believe…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 48 becomes finished song number 48. The rhythm guitars are my SG Standard into a Klon KTR into a Keeley Super Phat Mod into both a Fender Bassbreaker 15 and a Vox MV50 Clean, both running direct output…
Richard Shekari's avatar
Day One to Seven Verse 2: No, today isn’t a holiday; we will treat it like any other day. There’s Someone who took our shame away; it’s He whom we celebrate today. It’s none but the giver of life; He’s our Father worldwide. For our sake…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 49 becomes finished song number 49. I like this one a little. It feels like 6/8 but I have the MIDI tracks running in 4/4 with a triplet feel. It sort of comes out the same. The rhythm guitars are…
vaisvil's avatar
Below is the story of the lyrics for this: rearrange to make the message one of stoic positivism Enduring Light (Stoic Positivism Remix) Verse 1 We rise in light, though shadows fall, A quiet strength through it all. Memories…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 50 becomes finished song number 50. For the forth time in history, I have completed a 50 songs in 90 days challenge. Huzzah, or something. I had high hopes for this one and those high hopes were dashed…
Richard Shekari's avatar
Before the Dawn. Verse 1: Before the cock crows, we will sing Your praise, Lord. Before the sun comes up, we will dance for You, Lord. Fill our hearts with Your Word, Jesus. Fill the world with Your love, O Saviour. Let Your kingdom…
ravencrowe's avatar
raw arrangement yet to be improved but the basic melody is here
thetworegs's avatar
I woke early this morning and while waiting for the others to wake I went down to the cellar to have a strum and another popped out off to Sebs football Gold dust to the wind Your missing that something, that you…
Burl Whitis   's avatar
A Blues Rock song about working the night shift and not being with my girlfriend.
Burl Whitis   's avatar
A Folk style song about talking to someone you love.
Burl Whitis   's avatar
A Country style song about the MLK Jr. dream.
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 51 becomes finished song number 51. I had this idea to do one 12-bar each month through the summer writing challenge. This is September's example. I kinda like the chorus. I really don't think much of…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 52 becomes finished song number 52. This one is okay. The verses are weak but the hook is okay. The guitar parts are overly simplistic but I can live with it. The rhythm guitar tracks are my Gibson…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 57 becomes finished song number 53. I like this one a lot, which is odd because I put almost zero thought into it. I wrote the whole thing with midi tracks on Saturday then recorded vocals and guitars…
Rod McTainsh's avatar
Another old idea of mine getting a new take.
Rosteiner's avatar
A song for anyone who's spent any time at all with a human toddler.
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 56 becomes finished song number 54. Apologies. I have no idea what happened with the vocals. I recorded them over a MIDI guitar track that I was using as a guide and it sounded in tune at the time but…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 55 becomes finished song number 55. I think there might be something worth revisiting here but I'm not quite sure what that might be. Sorry about all of the rough edits. All of the guitar tracks are…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 54 becomes finished song number 56. I like this one. I should use different rhythm guitar sounds within songs more often. I like the groove here too. Not sure why. Maybe mid-tempo in 7/8 just works…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 53 becomes finished song number 57. And with this snore fest, the 2024 50/90 Challenge is complete. 57 songs means I am 114% complete, or something. All of the guitar tracks are my Les Paul Custom through…
thetworegs's avatar
Poor old Reg has been put in the old peoples home his crazy life has finally caught up with him. He sits alone in the chair in the L shaped lounge thinking without memory not knowing what his last thought was, lost apart from the reflection of…
coelocanth's avatar
Teejay’s WRLD's avatar
Teejay’s WRLD - Time Of Tradition Lyrics Hun hun hun Bhad Mharn Tinz Ahhhnnnn I Pretend to act like a fool Tell me what U’re expecting me to do I came, I saw and I conquer Life fuck me up but no wahala Messing Around What the…
Teejay’s WRLD's avatar
Teejay’s WRLD - We Must Lyrics Live your life and forget your Age Agbelebu eh nii, Koo dagbe Big cash out loma mumi Ranti ile We Must, We Must Koo easy timo fii Debi moh bade Oruko Olúwa nii Mofi gbade Ona ashi Owo made Moma…
Teejay’s WRLD's avatar
Teejay’s WRLD - Marhaba Lyrics Opon tii sún mio shegbe yin Laipe Ema Wole fún Àdé Ori After liquor oju madeti Na for everywhere dem Dey feel me Me be the OG number 1 Mio lee Tori ipo maa buga I make music in different styles Ogo…
thetworegs's avatar
Poor old he's on the ropes again he was having a strum and this one fell out ........... I fall You’ve got the stars shining through the darkness You’ve got the blank screen of the dark I wanted the light fromthe…
Newbold's avatar
vital midi mixed
papercup's avatar
Lyrics: "Get back in your box!" - a sentence that put me on the rocks. Things people say, I'm reminded till this day. I pretended it had no weight on me, ignored and carried on. Years later I'm reminded. So I put it in this song. "You…
Freshcaps's avatar
"Life to the Fullest" is a song with a solid foundation, delivering an inspiring message and incorporating catchy elements. The chorus stands out as particularly memorable, making it a focal point that listeners are likely to sing along to.
djghia's avatar
For all the silent voices. #Spookybutnotspooky #REM October 2024
Newbold's avatar
Newbold's avatar
Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Brian J. Kenny's avatar