alonetone radio: Latest
So I just stumbled upon this on my computer. I think I got it to like 70%, but then my computer died and I lost all the files, so I'll never return to it. This is the last bounce. I think it's okay? Doesn't really matter. Thought I'd put it out.
Noodling about on my nylon string classical guitar.
Just a short idea for a future song melody.
Oh Baby its just not the same,
I can hear it when you call my name,
When you call my name,
Oh baby its just not the same,
I can feel it when you don't come home,
When you don't come home,
Oh Baby its just not the same,
I did feel…
I had this little lick in my head since the summer and it eventually came out into a song.
It's about focused but undirected anger with the world, in general.
Another French folk song that I thought I’d have a go at recording today. It’s a lovely little tune about gathering around the table with friends. I learned this one from one of Marcel Bénéteau’s CDs.
Y a encore dessur la table une…
A dangerous game of "How Many Synthesizers Can I Use Before The Computer Catches On Fire?"