Reefwalker's listening history

launched's avatar
I recorded this one to a dimming flashlight on the 25th after a windstorm took out my power. I couldn't see the lyrics anymore so I ad libbed and hummed the rest out. My recording device is battery operated, which is cool. This predicament…
Rick Phillips's avatar
Rell Sunn, the Queen of Makaha, was a beautiful spirit and graceful surfer who lives in the hearts of all who knew her before she was called back home.
Zanois's avatar
Speechwriters can be selfish. Or not?
Breaking Light's avatar
improv using NLog synth app.
obbster's avatar
A song about being a frog. On a leaf, on a branch, on a tree, in a field I'm alone, like a man, but I'm small, and I'm green I'm a frog and i am free I live my life amphibiously i've got 100 hundred million friends that are just like me im a…
Dave Berry's avatar
My latest song, sorta Blues-rock song.
Dave Berry's avatar
My latest song, sorta Blues-rock song.
The Imaginary Suitcase's avatar
A dive in the nightlife...
The Imaginary Suitcase's avatar
Because it's crucial not to forget to put sunscreen on!
monopoli's avatar
Is this years' fillertrack. I had started this backingtrack to fit with a lyricidea I had but I decided against the lyric and turned it into an instrumental. I needed an extra tune since two other tunes I put quite a lot of time in were going…