Reefwalker's listening history
Background music for a fun father/daughter YouTube video editing collaboration/experiment (embedded here.) My daughter and I filmed and edited the movie, and I wrote the music after hearing some video-game music my daughter wanted me to emulate…
"As we grow up, we always carry our inner child with us. Wonder and curiosity... there are so many things the child sees. However, this is a view from above. We are now adults with good and bad experiences of life, looking inward. It is time…
Recorded in Hawaii, acoustic guitar and early morning trades through the trees. Keyboards and Bass track added by my brother Greg in Durango Colorado. Took Tess's (Sister Savages) advice and removed the percussion!
Cave Street posted a track recently, their contribution to the Woody Guthrie Project, organised by Akron Family.
I wanted to take a shot at this too, so here's my demo. It was really just half…
This is our summer fun jam. We wrote it in February, but that's just testament to our amazing imagination.
This instrumental song is about the rabbit in the moon. Fact: the ancient Aztecs measured drunkenness in number of rabbits. Like, "Oh, cheg out Bill, he's 300 rabbits." "Dude, I was like 230 rabbits last week and I got kicked out of the Florida…
Norm played the percussion first, which is a Bembe pattern; I couldnt help playing a melody and creating lyrics for this perc track. Thanks for the listen, Enjoy!