Rick Phillips's listening history

etheric loopz's avatar
This is a drum&bass track using a couple of speech samples from the Glengarry Glen Ross movie. Funny how that movie is still 'modern' even today :]
vaisvil's avatar
We went to visit my dad at his assisted living facility and they have a Yamaha Clavinova on which I improvised for a half hour to provide some entertainment. This is a ~ 3 minute excerpt from about half way through. This was recorded on my Zoom…
vaisvil's avatar
electric mandolin on 3 tracks - 2 bowed (right and left) with viola bow and 1 strummed just a bit and mostly ebowed (center) Washburn bass voice with effects drum loops sliced and diced
vaisvil's avatar
something I wrote for piano a long while ago I'm dusting off and trying to give it new life.
Rick Phillips's avatar
Fasten your seatbelts, this jeep is going deep into the heart of the jungle! Sound clips cut and pasted against Norm's Fat Baby Bembe.
Rick Phillips's avatar
Since Norm found himself in an acoustically great room, full of unfinished cabinets I couldn't help but add some acoustic guitar, crank it up and hope you like it Norm!
Norm's avatar
As chance had it, I found myself in an acoustically great room, full of cajons! Well, they were unfinished cabinets actually, but they had lovely tones. Since this is the stuff dreams are made of, I had no choice but to seize the opportunity and…
Norm's avatar
Caveat emptor: I did absolutely none of the drumming in this piece. WORLD PREMIER! FIRST RECORDING OF THIS PATTERN - EVER! My friend Kokou "Alex" Yemey called me a few days ago with some urgency in his voice: "I must record this before…
Norm's avatar
As chance had it, I found myself in an acoustically great room, full of cajons! Well, they were unfinished cabinets actually, but they had lovely tones. Since this is the stuff dreams are made of, I had no choice but to seize the opportunity and…
am/fm dreams's avatar
From the Angie Fights Crime/AM FM Dreams split album "Faiths" (2010)