Rick Phillips's listening history

epimeison's avatar
This is an old one, from the early 90' when we had a band. There are two songs really, but conceived to be played togheter: "The Anguish of The Moment - Wise as The Time" may be a valid translation. Quite different from what i use to upload, i…
epimeison's avatar
Miniature. Enjoy (if you are able to!)
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
This is me live.... No frills.... I Play a classical because my fingers are too big... Lol!! Sorry if it is a bit rough... was a tough night... 30/12/10 I like it though... Peace T
Scott Carmichael's avatar
My good young friend Ben came and gave me real drums on this.... Killer Ben
vaisvil's avatar
Van Gogh, On the Threshold of Eternity Gary from music by computer suggested a re-master with less drum volume - your choice http://micro.soonlabel.com/17-ET/daily20110125b-17-reasons-I-hate-the-blues.mp3 I've had severe computer trouble…
vaisvil's avatar
Van Gogh, On the Threshold of Eternity Gary from music by computer suggested a re-master with less drum volume - your choice http://micro.soonlabel.com/17-ET/daily20110125b-17-reasons-I-hate-the-blues.mp3 I've had severe computer trouble…
vaisvil's avatar
Genres: Urban/Hip-Hop: Rhythm and Blues Urban/Hip-Hop: Soul Album: Its About Soul Artist's description: a collaboration Contributors: thetworegs vocals Norm percussion and didgeridoo Chris guitars n stuff.
epimeison's avatar
Well, I love this song... I hope you like and/or enjoy. Cheers!
Rick Phillips's avatar
Percussion - Rick banging on his guitar Guitar -Rick pickin on his guitar
kirklynch's avatar
An unusual traditional tune from the first Scartaglen album way back in 1984. Going through stuff the other day and ran across the LP and couldn't even remember the tune or having recorded it. I played guitar on this track