Rick Phillips's listening history

epimeison's avatar
A very quick recording of this fresh composition. I'm really busy these days! I hope you like and/or enjoy this desperated one.
epimeison's avatar
A mini-miniature conceived last night, some hours ago... as the result of a discussion. Enjoy. Edit: new record.
thetworegs's avatar
Have you ever felt estranged from your family, Reg has, he told me this story. I think you will enjoy it. I did....................
Wildgeas Music's avatar
I love playing bass with Norm's beats. This is a one take jam with Stealing Pumpkins. Warmin' up for RPM........ Enjoy! Thanks Norm. More Cowbells!!!!
vaisvil's avatar
Based on Norm Harris' Percussion Solo Moonbathing http://alonetone.com/norm/tracks/moonbathing this piece uses bass pictured above after conversion to fretless and uses my fretless Fender Squire through the metallurgy 3 demo effect.
Rick Phillips's avatar
From Norm's modifed Stealing Pumpkins created by MTC....Jim, I'll send you the guitar track only for your masterpiece :)
epimeison's avatar
A very quick recording of this fresh composition. I'm really busy these days! I hope you like and/or enjoy this desperated one.
Sandy Gritt's avatar
A live recording (guitar and vocal) written and recorded one afternoon while I had the house to myself. Cajon and bg vocal added.
Sandy Gritt's avatar
A live recording (guitar and vocal) written and recorded one afternoon while I had the house to myself. Cajon and bg vocal added.
henwrench's avatar