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It's Just Like That

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2023 50/90 challenge idea number 11 becomes finished song number 11. How about that?

This one is in 9/4 time, which is interesting. The fuzz tone on the leads is kinda fat and groovy and sweet. Other than that and maybe the pre-chorus sections there isn’t much interesting here. It exists though, so that’s cool.

Rhythm guitars are my Les Paul standard into a Klon KTR and an Analog Man King of tone into a Fender Deluxe Reverb. Lead guitars are my SG into a Real McCoy Customs RMC10 into a Way Huge Russian Pickle into a Vox MV50 and a Fender Bassbreaker 15 (both direct outs).


No regrets no way out

What is it all about

Look around take it in

You can not ever win

Verse 1

I don’t care what they all say

I can see no other way

Let me question everything

There’s a lesson here today

Pre chorus

Its just like that

Its just like that

Verse 2

Can you tell me where to go

Its not like you really know

There’s so much out there to see

There’s so much still left to show
