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The Once Over

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2023 50/90 Challenge idea #18 becomes completed mix number 5/50, which means we’re 10% finished with this summer’s project! WOOHOO!

The song isn’t terrible, I guess. It’s not good either. It’s kinda blah. Maybe heavy guitars might have pumped some life into it? Maybe the occasional cymbal crash? I think I might have gone a little too Peter Gabriel 3 here. Oh well.

All of the guitar tracks are a LesPaul Standard into a Fender Deluxe Reverb. Pedals on the rhythm tracks are a Klon KTR into an Analog Man King of Tone into an MXR Carbon Copy Mini. Leads used an MXR Phase 95 into a Way Huge Russian Pickle into the KTR.

Verse 1

The status quo’s

not good enough

and even though we

may never know

Verse 2

That sunny day

may never come

and don’t you know it

there’s only one

Pre chorus

You never know

What’s heading for you


The once over

The go ‘round

It goes lower

You can’t imagine


The ending coming soon

The ending coming true
