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This is Your Last Chance

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2023 50/90 challenge song idea #1. One down, 49 to go.

This isn’t so much a song as an exercise. One of the things I want to play with this year is using time signatures I’ve never attempted before. This song is in 13/8 and there are timing issues galore. Oh well.

The guitars are all my Les Paul Standard through both a Fender Bassbreaker 15 and a Vox MV50 Clean, each amp using a direct output with built in speaker emulation, and yes somehow the two amps are out of phase. Weird. Pedals on the rhythm tracks are a Klon KTR and an Analog Man King of Tone. Leads were the same with the addition of an Real McCoy Customs RMC10 wah and an MXR Carbon Copy Mini delay.

Verse 1
This is your last chance
to work it out
sort of like romance
haven’t a doubt

Pre chorus 1
This is your
last chance

No warning
Come morning
last go around

Verse 2
This is your last chance
Come to the end
You get one more dance
playing pretend

Pre chorus 2
One more
quick glance
This is your
last chance
