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Now Everybody Knows

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The first song started and finished for the 2021 National Solo Album Month. They really need to come up with a better name for that thing.

So there are keyboards in this one. Like… all the way through. What’s up with that? Well, I wasn’t planning on it. I was just messing with bass and drums in GarageBand and put a keyboard down as a guide or a place holder or something and next thing I knew I was keeping it in the mix. For a minute there I thought of putting keyboards on every song this month, but I’ve got five in progress now and this is the only one. That’s probably a good thing.

The gear gimmick this month is my Vox MV50 Clean amp. It’s a Nutube amp, and Nutubes are totally not a gimmick… right? Right? Please?

All of the guitars are a Gibson Les Paul Standard 50’s. All of the tracks used the Vox MV50 Clean. Rhythm tracks used a Dunlop Crybaby Wah into a Joyo Vintage Phase into a Chicago Stompworks Blooze Maker into a Ryra the Klone. The main lead guitars used the Ryra into a Chicago Stompworks Mister Vermin into a Washburn AX9 that I found in a box in the cellar. The quiet lead at the end used the Vintage Phase into the Blooze Maker into the AX9.

there is so much left to prove
We are always on the move
there is so much left to do
somehow everything is new

Verse 1
Nothing lost, Nothing gained, nothing learned
Nothing found, nothing taught, nothing earned,

Verse 2
No one cares, no one came, no one knows
No one loves, no one grieves, no one shows,

thats just how it goes
thats just how it goes

Now everybody knows
Now everybody knows
