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No one ever rocks in 3/4 time. This is a cheesy attempt to do just that. I woke up one morning with the music for this pretty much complete in my head. I recorded the rhythm guitars and vocals over a simple drum and bass loop. When I went back later that day to add the lead guitar I had to pad it out at the end. I added 16 of the 24 bars in the outro solo. I wanted the song to be really short, but I felt I was being lame with it coming in at under two minutes. This evening, while sitting in our hotel room at Disney World I replaced the drums and edited the bass and mixed it all. It’s pretty lame, but it’s okay I guess.

The guitars are all Les Paul into two Fender Bassbreakers, using a Klon KTR and a Fulltone OCD.

What’s the significance
Where is the evidence

What are we heading for
When are we getting more

What are we coming to
What are we gonna do

Guest said

Chambers brothers for a new age! So great!
