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Rubber Stamp

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I liked this one as I was working on it. Now that it’s done… meh. I feel like I am trying to do too much with way too little. It was a nice idea, and I love anything in 7/8, but I don’t know about this puppy.

The lyrics are the first time I ever turned a tweet into a song. When the US Senate acquitted the fascist Donald Trump in the impeachment “trial” and thus set the legal precedent that the president can rig elections without fear of consequences I tweeted something along the lines of the Senate just rubber stamped evil. Someone fav’d that tweet just before I started writing the lyrics to this song and booom, a twitter tune was born.

The guitars are all Les Paul through two Fender Bassbreakers. There’s a Klon KTR and a Fulltone Clyde Deluxe and maybe a touch of MXR Phase 90. Oh, and there’s a mooer e-lady flanger at the very end too.

Verse 1
watch how
it slips right by
see now
what a tough guy
he can do
he wants to

And now you put a rubber stamp on his evil
on his evil
And now you give approval to all his crimes
all his crimes

Verse 2
we had
a real nice run
we had
ourselves some fun
and now we
stand by as
it all ends

Verse 3
it all comes down
give him his crown
say good night
it’s over
good bye
