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Don't Think About It (Version 2.0)

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A straight ahead rock song in 5/4 time. I think this is an improvement over the first version, but not by a whole lot. I think it rocks a little harder, which was my main beef the first time around. It’s fun to play, and it’s not terrible to listen to, though I might be a bit too close to it right now to say that for sure.

All of the guitar tracks are a Les Paul Standard through a Fender Bassbreaker 15. Pedals for the rhythm tracks are a Mooer E-Lady into a Ryra The Klone into a Keeley D&M Drive (Dan side only). The lead in the middle of the song (the quieter one) is the Ryra into the D&M (Mick side only), and the noisier solo at the end is the Ryra into a Wren and Cuff Super Russian.

Don’t look away
Don’t have your say
Don’t think about it
Today’s the day

One open door
could lead to more
what is it for
Don’t try to think about it

Verse 1
Don’t try to chance it

Verse 2
Don’t think about it

Verse 3
Don’t try to question

So long
Been so long
Long gone
