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Mathematical Proof (Version 2.0)

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Another song from this year’s 50/90 given a second look. I don’t know what to think about it. I haven’t played it back to back with the first version, but except for preferring this one’s slightly faster tempo I am not sure if it is better or worse than the first try.

I will say that all of this crap would be 10 times better if I could just sing.

The guitars are all Gibson Les Paul Standard 50s. The amps are all Fender Bassbreaker 15. The pedals for the rhythm tracks are a Mooer E-Lady into a Ryra the Klone. The leads are a Dunlop Crybaby into a Keeley Super Phat Mod into the Ryra into a Washburn AX9.

Its a sound that I hear every time I think of you
Its a thought that I think every time you come around
You’re the thought comes to me when I don’t know what to do
You’re the safety I need when I can’t go on I can’t be found

Verse 1 & 3
This one will work nicely
this one is just better than the rest
it answers precisely
You solved the riddle

Verse 2
solution discovered
the math has been checked and verified
the answer uncovered
You prove the statement

you are the one
the one for me
the one for me
