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Can You See the Way Out

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There are a few things from this month’s batch of songs that I tried to kind of improvise the rhythm guitar part. I looped a section of the song and without figuring out what I wanted to do ahead of time I hit record and saw what happened. This was one of those, but I ended up keeping it overly simple. I wussed out, I guess. On the technical side, there is a section of rhythm guitar where I rode the volume knob. I never, ever do that. Especially not while recording. Later, I did it again in the lead. Crazy.

All of the guitar parts are my Les Paul into my Fender Bassbreaker 15. No pedals.

can you see the way
the way out of here
do you know the way
the way out

On some other day
there could be a way
you can have your say
let it out

can you look inside
there’s no place to hide
its a kind of crime
give it up
