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No Way Home

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So… I usually try to come up with a little story about each song when I post. This time… I got nothing. It’s in 7/8 and there was one section that I screwed up the guitar part about a million times. Other than that? I got nothing.

The rhythm guitar is Les Paul, the lead is SG. Both direct into the 15 watt bassbreaker.

Nothing going on
Nothing doing
everything gone wrong
trouble brewing
take some time away
by your lonesome
spend another day
under its thumb

we always new
there was a chance
we’d all fall apart
coming soon
what can you do
you can’t advance
that wouldn’t be smart
no way

no way
out now
no way

Just play along
as it goes on
just give it a try
for the best
We’ll stay at home
we’ll never roam
and try not to die
from it
