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Wasted By Daylight

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2024 RPM Challenge song idea number six becomes finished song number eight.

This one is okay. I’ve probably written this same song 10 times over the years, but it works okay for me. I just wish I could sing. The lead guitars are pretty awful. I’m really rusty right now and no amount of RPMing seems to be clearing that up. It’s pretty frustrating.

The rhythm guitars are a Les Paul Custom and the leads are an ES-335 Pro. The amps are a Fender Bassbreaker 15 and a Vox MV50 (both direct out into my audio interface). The pedal chain for the rhythm tracks is an MXR Phase 95 into a Klon KTR into a Seymour Duncan Vapor Trails. The leads are a Real McCoy Custom RMC10 into a Wren and Cuff Tall Font Russian into the Klon KTR into the Seymour Duncan Vapor Trails.

Meet me at midnight
It will be all right
We’re down for a fight
Wasted by daylight

Verse 1
Why don’t you come around
and see what we can find
The bells begin to chime
It’s just about time‌

Verse 2
I don’t know what to say
I don’t know where to go
It has to be today
So please make it so‌

Say it plain
Say it true
It’s a shame
That you do
