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No Deeper Meaning

Robert James

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Another in an endless string of recordings that would have been saved by a competent singer. Maybe. I like the individual pieces of this song, but I don’t think I like the song as a whole. Okay… maybe I don’t like the chorus at all. I don’t know. Just not terribly pleased with the way this came out.

Guitars are all ES335, amps for all tracks are a Fender Bassbreaker 15 and a Vox AC15. Rhythm guitar used a Ryra The Klone pedal. Leads used a Mooer E-Lady flanger (just a little bit), a Klon KTR, and a Keeley D&M Drive (just the Dan side).

It should have taken some time
for all the songs to be sung
if everything is so fine
just sweep it under the rug

verse 1
I’ve got this feeling
you need some healing
nothing worth stealing
no deeper meaning

verse 2
it leaves me wanting
a better ending
something more hopeful
some new proposal

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Yeah, the more I listen to this one, the more I think you're being hard on it/yourself... and the guitars are fabulous.

KCsGroove's avatar
KCsGroove said

I dig those guitars. Great tone KC

slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Ok the 335 is tapped at enough treble to really bring out that special tone . The Vox is one of my personal favorites. Wish I had one again.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Some very very cool guitars though!

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