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Sha-Pink's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Sha-Pink



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This is an exert from the Two regs Radio program on C.U.N.T. fm . The Regs are in the middle of re-write of their new book and this exert and others like it are hoped to be used as background for the Audio book. You can hear a lot more from the Regs on their web-site

World War Nine's avatar
World War Nine said

Glad to see the Two Regs are in fine fettle these days. You don't even appear to be relying on the Eventide vox Harmonizer any more, that's good. Have you heard Reggie Watts "F*ck Sh*t Stack"? You can find the video on YouTube, I can't watch it any more since my ex-girlfriend got stabbed in the hand, but It's pretty good.

Sha-Pink's avatar
Sha-Pink said

How do I download this?

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Hahahahahahahahahaha.....whooooo hoooooo.....wild fun....WTF....can I say WTF..........Its like discovering a parallel universe here with this Reg-man-music.....Reg will eat your brain........use with caution.

fallingupart's avatar
fallingupart said

OMG, I had a Keith Landry track playing in a window behind this at the same time. Oops. That was REALLY strange. OMG, again! Oh, shit, this is hilarious! I have a few former bosses I think you're singing about here. How'd you know? Hey, check out another cultural landslide's album from this year. Funny shit. But fast (or d/l it)--they are only leaving it up for 45 days.
