Shawn Louis

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Robert James's avatar
The RPM Challenge's Record Every Month (REM) challenge lives. April has a song. I wrote it and recorded it all in the last week of the month but who cares, it's done. For a challenge within the challenge within the challenge, I decided to…
Robert James's avatar
The good folks at the RPM Challenge came up with a year round game for us to play. Record Every Month. One song each month. I'm game, but I don't think I'll stick to just one. I was trying to get 10 done in March 2021 but here I am on the…
trawnajim's avatar
Wasn't really planned that way, but listening to the completed piece made me think this could be what our little avian buddy on Mars might sound like to the locals. Same set-up as Kowanakita, but sound source is trombone. Also submitted to Sound…
Shawn Louis's avatar
from Mumbai, IN

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