Sister Savage's listening history
Found this little chappie while I was preparing my latest original for loading.
It was a quick demo recorded on my Boss Micro BR sometime in October or so last year (2011) while I was working on Shine.
It was a sort of "blow the cobwebs out…
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
Well, here we go then...
**Cobwebs - A A J Russe**
Yeah you know what it is that I want
Oh you knew, didn't you, before I did?
How many times did you wonder whether I would dare?
Oh never mind...
Take off your underwear
I wrote this thing in 1994. When I played it to some friends back then they went "yeah, but where's the rest of it?"
I've been struggling with that concept ever since. Then, a while ago, a couple of kindly souls removed that worry from me…
Here we go.
This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining...
If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough...
Lollies, chips, and beer…
I've posted this "Naked" version because Mrs Russe wanted me to... :-)
It wasn't "finished" in my mind - there was a certain amount of "orchestration" to come.
But I ended up liking the starkness of this version.
The original intention…
This is one of the many songs going round my head from when I was young. No idea whose version I heard and used to sing along to back then, but it was written by Larry Collins and Alex Harvey.
(EDIT: Done some research. It was Dottie West's…
I wrote this little ditty back in May, did an acoustic demo and then played it to one or two people. I always meant to do something a bit more, er, "expansive" with the thing... So I stuck it in the corner for a bit and forgot about it.
This song has been sat on the marvellous mechanical mouse organ in the broom-cupboard for well over a year.
A few weeks ago I got a bit of a scare - the mouse organ nearly broke down (in the middle of sorting out Delta Dawn). While I was fixing…
This is one of the many songs going round my head from when I was young. No idea whose version I heard and used to sing along to back then, but it was written by Larry Collins and Alex Harvey.
(EDIT: Done some research. It was Dottie West's…