Sister Savage's listening history

Gary Fox's avatar
Originally conceived as a mellow-ish, Stephen Stills sounding number (at least the verses), then the chorus came to me out of nowhere and turned the whole song on it's ear. I think that was for the better. I have to admit that I surprised myself…
Breaking Light's avatar
Live looping, room recording of gig rehearsal, so a little rough.
kirklynch's avatar
Searching for new sounds. The Goodall, Boss OC3,DL4 and stereo Jamman
kirklynch's avatar
More searching for new sounds. Same setup as the last one. Experimented a bit with paulstretch on the fadeout
Cattica's avatar
Vocals performed by 2 year old Mo. Music later added by glu, who produced this track as a brilliant surprise. We absolutely love it! Melody based on 'Ah! vous dirai-je, Maman,' by Mozart.
Cattica's avatar
Vocals performed by 2 year old Mo. Music later added by glu, who produced this track as a brilliant surprise. We absolutely love it! Melody based on 'Ah! vous dirai-je, Maman,' by Mozart.
Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
Andrew Russe's avatar
Finally, at last... I've got something finished... Been working on this for a few weeks. A bit of a rocker... (and an aging lecherous one at that) I got it as close as I could and then mixed it loud... I've over-cooked it slightly - but…
Pea Sized's avatar
Yeah, that's a mellotron cello sample. I knew you'd recognize it!
Brett Warren's avatar
another car/sex metaphor song