Sister Savage's listening history

vaisvil's avatar
Antoinette plays keys, Anonymous plays drums, Evan is guitar left, Chris is guitar right (sorry I was a jerk and too loud) - This dates from 1977 when I was a classical major and Antoinette a piano major. Even though this improvisation was from…
montgomeru's avatar
Whole half scale? Diminished? I dunno....
Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Millions of years ago... Before the dawn of history... I was a in a school band. I couldn't play an instrument then so I was the vocalist. This tune was one of the band's originals. Now, bear in mind this was the 'Ay-deees' so it was mullets…
Mac McIntyre's avatar
Finally I have completed a track on this, for me, a very uninspiring year, musically speaking. Lyrics come from the inexhaustible weirdness of my dreams. Happy Halloween... if that's a thing :)
Sister Savage's avatar
Arranged and performed by myself and Chris Smith (who normally builds spectrums!), for Brent's latest xchange cd. Song written by Mr Kinder. 2018.
Shed Sounds's avatar
A bit of a Deep Purple feel to some of this with some groovy SFX weaved in
Shed Sounds's avatar
It started off as a shimmery, summery canvas in my head but morphed into something very different from the middle 8 onwards. It was originally done at 100BPM but sounded a bit 'ploddy' and pedestrian so I beefed it up
Shed Sounds's avatar
This started life as a vey simple 'disco' bass riff over which I then brought in the chords. Its got a sort of 80s pop/prog thing going on - not surprising as I'd been listening to a lot of Nik Kershaw when I recorded it!
Shed Sounds's avatar
I was in the kitchen listening to an 80s Playlist; Nik Kershaw, Cutting Crew, Level 42, Duran Duran, Howard Jones etc... Some stuff has aged better than others but some of the melodies, synth and bass lines are just great... So this is my homage…