slkrell's listening history

slkrell's avatar
Huge rain thunder and lightning storm swept thru, and right behind a bunch of frogs serenaded us ........ Bull frogs. ...are allright wish I had recorded their song it would fit in here
slkrell's avatar
A collaboration : music Greg Connor Lyrics : vocals, slkrell
thetworegs's avatar
I heard Steves Barcadi & Coke and couldn't get that tune out of my head i knew i had to do something with it so i did and here it is one take and of the cuff i know its 154 Bacardi instead…
FDR's avatar
(slkrells Wide Road Blues Back Track) Had a bit of fun with this tonight, wadda ya think! one to many beers umm maybe!
Robert James's avatar
Another song from The Great 2015 Re-Recording Project. This one originally came from my failed 2010 RPM Challenge. I liked this one at the time, and the riff is fun to play. The lyrics are about a very stressful drive from Massachusetts to…
Ron's avatar
We wrote and recorded a new song while we are all on lock down...have really missed playing with the band. Lindy wrote the song and recorded his part at his home studio sent it to me and I added my parts and vocals Our studio is behind Ken's house…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
This is my first collaboration with the talented SLKrell! He had a reggae song called "Rancho Raggae" posted a couple of weeks ago in need of a lyric, so I asked If I could write some for it, and poof whala!! Here it is! Thanks Slkrell for the…
Kitty Cat Kim & Sweet Baby Kenny's avatar
tilden's avatar
A Greg Connor original song, recorded at 4B4U's New Year's Eve gig. I don't sing it as well as Greg does . . .
Greg Connor's avatar
This song is a work in progress. I attended an online songwriting workshop hosted by Chad Shank (Minnesota Songwriters Association) who was talking about songs with varying length lines to create more of a conversational atmosphere and the use…