sluggthesickpuppy's listening history
Mix up of songs, experimental vocals over rhythm loop.
Taking liberties again, the lyrics and vocals are from Krafwerk She's a model and the chord sequence and choras is from The days of Pearly Spencer.
Taking a few liberties with copywrite laws here, includes riff from Shakin all over, and the middle eight is house of the rising sun.I hope someone has a sense of humour
Grey skies, crow flies into the horizon
Birdcage, road rage what do you spend your wages on
All alone smart phone no-one you can ring
Peacocks, cats and dogs, the butterfly stings
Your friend indeed, my friend in need, another friend in debt…
An updated version of Solitude with guest vocalist Matt Deforest.
Poetry, a Cubist’s View is a “mash” of Benjamin Smith’s Ben.improv.Jul.16.2013 on electric piano and a combination of Paul Mimlitsch’s bass clarinet and soprano clarinet improvisations: “71913bcimpx1?, “71913scimpx1?, and “71913scimpx2?. I added…