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dub&flow - by simeon & the psimians

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Opinion is divided as to whether Simeon (also sometimes referred to by some sources as “Simeon the True” and by others as “Simeon the Pretender” was the agent of the Psimians, entrusted with the sound engineering of the ancient songs according to the wishes of the then High Psimian, or a charlatan who obtained the master tapes by subterfuge or theft without necessarily ever having had any actual contact with the real Psimians of Mu (who are believed by many to have been wiped out during the destruction of the continent of Lemuria, long before Simeon’s time).

In any case, most authorities agree that the dub mixes on the CDs “dubs & versions” and “verbs & dungeons” were produced by Simeon working alone, with or without the High Psimian’s blessing; and, on “skanky monkey’s funky dancy dog dubs”, alone, certainly without, under a false name, and with a cynically irreligious eye on market potential, in a way which no High Psimian in a thousand years of the development and transmutation of traditional values would ever have sanctioned.

The allegation that the remixing was done on a souped-up ancient pan -10 pro-v, however, is clearly false, since even Simeon’s most scathing critics accept that he (or she, according to some authorities) was a life-long vegetarian and would never have engaged in the kinds of animal torture which are inseparable from the use of that archaic and inhumane technology.

It is almost certainly also false that Simeon was the author of the original, prophetic (but innaccurate) pamphlet, “Nazism is Jewish”, which Goebbals later famously plagiarised as “Communism is Jewish” (and which Stalin less famously [and barely legibly] rewrote even later [towards the more mentally-deranged far end of his life] as “Jewishness is Nazi”, falsely and disingenuously attributing its authorship to Trotsky), since all but the most far-out tips and split-ends of the lunatic fringe of psimianology agree that not only was the original pamphlet published before he (or she) was born, but also that the last existing copy of it had already been destroyed long before any of his (or her) parents had yet met one another.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Agreed, great for a car ride.

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Great stuff like broken house reggae...this coming to the car i'm not there that's done it
