Songs From Nowhere Project's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
I've gone a bit Bluesy on this one i got the French Horns out i blame watching BBC4...anyway hope you enjoy.... Counterfeit(Lyrics) The night outside was as Black as coal Her heart was made of stone i couldn’t find no place to go God did…
thetworegs's avatar
Its Great when a mess around becomes a kinda lost Doors song.... Give me the Love (Lyrics) Tell me what your got now baby i’ll tell you what i need you can give me love cause thats is all i need i got the need if you got the love i got…
uglifruit's avatar
Feb 21st 2013.
kossphactor's avatar
Jeff's tone on this and another one of our trax remind me of Adrian Belew's Rhinoscirus. kOss pHactor is a NinJam based trio of Jeff Duke, Ray Istorico and Jim Goodin, fusing electronics and improvisation in to their sound canvases.
IronAngel's avatar
A new take on a test with Carrier Signal... crap, timing's off!! This is the absolute upper limit of my playing speed, so its sloppy as January snot.
The Great Red Dragon's avatar
The Great Red Dragon's avatar
IronAngel's avatar
Just another fragment concept to share with band mates. Move along. Unless you wanna swipe the riff, then feel free! Get me a link so I can see what you did with it if you do though! (oops, cut off the first bit last time)
The Great Red Dragon's avatar
richardlaceves's avatar
rpm #7,, i think this will be the overture, to a small midi orchestral suite, which i hope will finish up as my remaining 3 pieces for this years rpm, but well see how that goes,, thanks for all the helpful comments i have received on this project…