b-kader's listening history

stamma's avatar
we got Mangani[from wutang latino] feat.on this track. its about people who thought we would a never made it but we did.
stamma's avatar
Basically i been through alot and just letting that specail one know she on my mind and i wrote it fron there on.
k*CalderOn's avatar
A little bit nervOus at the beginning, at the end I messed up sOme wOrds and the tOne of the sOng, but I reallt liked it.
k*CalderOn's avatar
@ Cantata ColegioBautistadelaGracia
Ross Spencer's avatar
Ross Spencer's avatar
Unsated by an evening of TV and beer, I saw the snow on the screen and remember that it was back ground radiation from the moment of creation pouring through the universe, I use it as a metaphor for the unsatisfying noise of modern life. After…
glu's avatar
This song was made with only two short bird samples. 1) A wild screaming pija and 2)parrot. I made it last night after taking an antihistamine for all the chigger bites. paz.
Phantom Energy's avatar
The Big Freeze- another end of the universe scenario. It is my more popular track with my friends and small following so far. It is a musical version of everything freezing over.
Phantom Energy's avatar
This song is my musical version of the universe suffering the "Big Rip" scenario. I became fascinated with the concept. I got my name "Phantom Energy" from that scenario.
another cultural landslide's avatar