Spazsquatch's listening history

tonycee's avatar
just trying to write a catchy reggae / soul / pop song ,about boy meets girl , and he thinks his luck my have changed , lol hope you like it . thanks for your time ....tony cee
tonycee's avatar
recorded this recently ,hope you like it ........cheers tony cee
tonycee's avatar
song about meeting my wife , recorded about 3 mths ago . all instruments and vocals and backing vocals + mixed and mastered by myself and drums programmed by myself .....thanks for you time ......tony cee
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was strumming and has got to thinking, I know he shouldn't but he has and he thinks the governments of this world have given up on love and understanding. They now want us to hate, hate, hate, hate, be angry, put against one another the haves…
Andrew Russe's avatar
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025** Song number 14 Written 21st-22nd Feb Demo recorded 22nd Feb **** The thing of it is, er... whatever I guess. **** **Now that we’re home - A A J Russe** Now that we’re home I’ll admit to you…
Spazsquatch's avatar
Neon Brainiacs Episode 302: House III: The Horror Show (1989). Really straining the definition of inspired, but inspired none the less. The first version of the song was a ballad that I rewrote, it's still a bit wordy for this tempo, but its…
Spazsquatch's avatar
Another for the Neon Brainiacs Podcast Unofficial OST, which is an attempt to write a song inspired (no matter how loosely) by the film covered on each episode. This week was the 1982 film "One Dark Night", like most of these the title is the…
Ricia Rae's avatar
First song I'm posting for RPM 2025. Not sure I'll finish this year....but I'll try. Wrote this after listening to more of the horrible news coming out of the US. Watching for you Over shoulders Can’t believe our eyes Bolt the doors…
Ricia Rae's avatar
Song 2 for RPM 2025 (I actually wrote this one first). Dusted off my electric guitar for this one (yeah, maybe I should practice more). My heart is falling for you Your heart, is longing to be free And my days are very numbered And you…
Ricia Rae's avatar
3rd Song for my RPM challenge. Went back to my piano and kept it minimal. I love singing harmonies (grew up listening to CSNY). Thanks to anyone who listens xox Did you get lost in the sea Were you searching for pieces of me Wooowoooo Did…